Homemade Raspberry Liqueur, Part 2 Recipe

Way back when the weather was cold and I was skating around my kitchen in super thick socks and jumper on the jumper I made a batch of raspberry liqueur with my Dad aka. Captain Oddball, you can check out…

Strawberry and Sour Cherry Jam Recipe

Ahhh Summer. Long days, sun burnt legs and wasps coming along to ruin your fun. Bastards. There was a grand total of 6 of the killjoys in my kitchen when I made this recipe. I suggest when making this brilliant…

About FoodNerd

I eat. I travel. I blog. I repeat.
Working as a Food Technologist, through my blog I take my love for all things food through to my travels to discover new cultures, recipe development in my kitchen and sharing restaurant reviews.

Homemade Raspberry Jam Recipe

I was seeing raspberries everywhere I was looking. Even making 3 litres of Raspberry Liqueur didn’t diminish the berry mountain as much as I needed to. The freezer was still full. There was ruby berry juice everywhere. Something needed to be…

Homemade Bacon and Carbonara Recipe

I’m not a newcomer when it comes to home curing meat. Oh no – let us not forget The Beast of 2011 (my first attempt of homemade pastrami) and the slightly furry pancetta that maybe didn’t get as much attention…

Homemade Gherkins Part 2 Recipe

So back in May time, I made for the first time some glorious gherkins and said I would post some pictures of them after they’ve had their 2 months hibernating away in my cupboard. I realised it has been longer…

Homemade Gherkins Recipe

To quote a close family member, fellow blogger and amazing friend, ‘you like to make weird stuff, not the usual foodie things.’ I kind of agree but think if I did make just the usual things all the time, I wouldn’t half the Food…

Homemade Lemon Curd Recipe

My copy of Nigella Lawson’s Domestic Goddess cookery book is wrecked. It’s not from a lack of care or love but due to being a source of great baking wisdom and recipes that work time after time. One of my…

Homemade Nutella Chocolate Spread Recipe

Pinterest. The new social media for people aspiring to cook better, have glossier hair and to find funny pictures of cats in bread. For people who haven’t tried it out yet, it is a site that acts as a huge…

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